What does NHDNH entail?
Students work as individuals or collaborative groups of 2-5, to research and present their historical analysis in one of five categories; Paper, Exhibit, Documentary, Performance, or Web Site. The organization of these pairings is entirely up to the discretion of the participating teacher or school. Every school organizes it differently.
Plymouth State will host the NH state competition stage of this process. As a judge. We recruit our judges from a variety of backgrounds – professional historians, teachers (of all levels), archivists, museum staff, and amateur historians. We will contact you later in the year to determine your interests (grade level and category) and will provide training at the
What is National History Day?
NHD is an education program designed to help students to engage in history by designing and
completing original research on a topic of interest. Nearly one million
students participate nationwide. New Hampshire's program has been hosted by Plymouth State University in Plymouth, NH since 2003.
How can adults be involved?As a teacher. Clearly, NHD relies on participating teachers and homeschooling parents, as they involve their students, grades 6-12, through the process of designing, conducting, and presenting historical research. If you are interested in supervising students through this process, please contact us to help start the program.
As a sponsor of a special topics prize. New this year, we are looking to expand the ways that students are recognized for their academic excellence. As with the national level, we have determined special topics of research (Women’s History, Irish History, Constitutional History) and are looking for organizations to sponsor prizes at the state level.
The National Organization
NHDNH is part of NHD-- a national program that involves thousands of students across the country. Click Here to go to the NHD website, or Here to see the NHDNH affiliate page.